“Very Light Jet (VLJ) Training Issues Workshop,” WATS 2008, Orlando, FL, April 2008.

In early March 2008, an on-line survey was conducted to give aviation professionals an opportunity to participate in the creation of a list of operational questions specific to VLJ training issues. The purpose of this survey was (1) to introduce a series of questions that might be included in a VLJ Training Safety Audit Checklist; (2) to see how stakeholders felt about asking these questions as part of a training program audit; and (3) to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to propose their own audit questions. More than 100 stakeholders participated in this survey. They represented every United Nations country group and VLJ stakeholder category (except powerplant manufacturers). The first peer review of these operational questions occurred during WATS 2008 at a special break-out session dedicated to the development of VLJ training standards. This is the handout that was used during that session.

(File: Barnes, VLJ Training Issues Workshop, WATS 2008, Apr 08)

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