Developing & Maintaining Pilot Competence: The Use of Simulation in Very Light Jet (VLJ) Training, WATS 2009, Orlando, FL, April 2009.

Not too long ago, very light jet (VLJ) manufacturers seemed to be adamant that simulators would not be used in their training programs because they were “too expensive” and not necessary. That attitude has changed even though very light jets are still being marketed as having low operating costs and being easy to fly. In March 2009, a paper based upon the work of this group was presented before the Royal Aeronautical Society in London. It summarized the human factors issues observed in VLJ aircraft certification, pilot training/licensing concerns, training program design, use of simulation, and training program validation. The observations made about use of simulation stimulated an international discussion regarding the use of motion vs. non-motion simulators in training VLJ pilots. This paper summarizes this discussion.

(File: Barnes, Use of Simulation, WATS 2009)

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