Making the Brazilian ATR-72 Spin
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Note: This story was corrected on August 10th at 10:23 am, thanks to the help of a sharp-eyed reader.
Making an ATR-72 Spin
I wasn’t in Brazil on Friday afternoon, but I saw the post on Twitter or X (or whatever you call it) showing a Brazil ATR-72, Voepass Airlines flight 2283, rotating in a spin as it plunged to the ground near Sao Paulo from its 17,000-foot cruising altitude. All 61 people aboard perished in the ensuing crash and fire. A timeline from FlightRadar 24 indicates that the fall only lasted about a minute, so the aircraft was clearly out of control. Industry research shows Loss of Control in Flight (LOCI) continues to be responsible for more fatalities worldwide than any other kind of aircraft accident.
The big question is why the crew lost control of this airplane. The ADS-B data from FlightRadar 24 does offer a couple of possible clues. The ATR’s speed declined during the descent rather than increased, which means the aircraft’s wing was probably stalled. The ATR’s airfoil had exceeded its critical angle of attack and lacked sufficient lift to remain airborne. Add to this the rotation observed, and the only answer is a spin.
Can a Large Airplane Spin?
The simple answer is yes. If you induce rotation to almost any aircraft while the wing is stalled, it can spin, even an aircraft as large as the ATR-72. By the way, the largest of the ATR models, the 600, weighs nearly 51,000 pounds.
Of course, investigators will ask why the ATR’s wing was stalled. It could have been related to a failed engine or ice on the wings or tailplane. (more…)
How the FAA Let Remote Tower Technology Slip Right Through Its Fingers
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In June 2023, the FAA published a 167-page document outlining the agency’s desire to replace dozens of 40-year-old airport control towers with new environmentally friendly brick-and-mortar structures. These towers are, of course, where hundreds of air traffic controllers ply their trade … ensuring the aircraft within their local airspace are safely separated from each other during landing and takeoff.
The FAA’s report was part of President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act enacted on November 15, 2021. That bill set aside a whopping $25 billion spread across five years to cover the cost of replacing those aging towers. The agency said it considered a number of alternatives about how to spend that $5 billion each year, rather than on brick and mortar buildings.
One alternative addressed only briefly before rejecting it was a relatively new concept called a Remote Tower, originally created by Saab in Europe in partnership with the Virginia-based VSATSLab Inc. The European technology giant has been successfully running Remote Towers in place of the traditional buildings in Europe for almost 10 years. One of Saab’s more well-known Remote Tower sites is at London City Airport. London also plans to create a virtual backup ATC facility at London Heathrow, the busiest airport in Europe.
A remote tower and its associated technology replace the traditional 60-70 foot glass domed control tower building you might see at your local airport, but it doesn’t eliminate any human air traffic controllers or their roles in keeping aircraft separated.
Max Trescott photo Inside a Remote Tower Operation
In place of a normal control tower building, the airport erects a small steel tower or even an 8-inch diameter pole perhaps 20-40 feet high, similar to a radio or cell phone tower. Dozens of high-definition cameras are attached to the new Remote Tower’s structure, each aimed at an arrival or departure path, as well as various ramps around the airport.
Using HD cameras, controllers can zoom in on any given point within the camera’s range, say an aircraft on final approach. The only way to accomplish that in a control tower today is if the controller picks up a pair of binoculars. The HD cameras also offer infrared capabilities to allow for better-than-human visuals, especially during bad weather or at night.
The next step in constructing a remote tower is locating the control room where the video feeds will terminate. Instead of the round glass room perched atop a standard control tower, imagine a semi-circular room located at ground level. Inside that room, the walls are lined with 14, 55-inch high-definition video screens hung next to each other with the wider portion of the screen running top to bottom.
After connecting the video feeds, the compression technology manages to consolidate 360 degrees of viewing area into a 220-degree spread across the video screens. That creates essentially the same view of the entire airport that a controller would normally see out the windows of the tower cab without the need to move their head more than 220 degrees. Another Remote Tower benefit is that each aircraft within visual range can be tagged with that aircraft’s tail number, just as it might if the controller were looking at a radar screen. (more…)
Understanding Takeoff Calculations
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Safe Initial Climbs Can Mean Tradeoffs
A pilot’s first takeoff in a jet airplane is a true rite of passage, almost as eye opening as a first solo. Push those power levers forward, and a pilot’s body is soon pressed back against the seat. That feedback is tough to duplicate in a piston airplane. But jet power, speed, and flight safety—not to mention strict certification standards—demand a real understanding of the performance calculations that many new pilots today are trusting to an iPad app.
Ponder one departure myth, for instance—the one that claims jet pilots needn’t worry about engine failures at takeoff because of all the extra power waiting in those big turbines. Not necessarily. Matching true jet performance against these myths becomes much clearer through the scenario-based evaluations now demanded in the new airman certification standards.
Illustration by Charles Floyd The Engine-Out Performance Myth
Consider an engine failure just after rotation. Certainly a Hawker 800XP with one engine idled will climb better than a Cessna 310 with one throttle pulled back, won’t it? But like a twin Cessna, the climb performance of a jet drops off precipitously when one engine stops operating, depending upon how the change is measured.
On a standard day, even at maximum takeoff weight of 28,000 pounds, our Hawker 800XP’s power will rocket the aircraft from sea level to FL370 in about 20 minutes, at about 1,850 feet per minute. If an engine quits at that same weight, however, the airplane’s single-engine climb rate drops to approximately 470 feet per minute—a decrease of about 75 percent. How well the aircraft climbs after that, as in all aircraft, is also dependent upon the skill level of the person behind the controls. Looking back at the nearly negative single-engine climb rate of a light twin such as that Cessna 310, a 500-fpm climb rate might sound impressive. But there’s more to creating a safe departure in a jet.
Imagine our 800XP is departing Aspen, Colorado, an airport nestled between monumental peaks of the Rockies at a 7,838-foot elevation. Today’s outside air temperature (OAT) is 15 degrees Celsius. A quick check of the approach and departure plates highlight the first departure concern: the rocks. The minimum safe altitude (MSA) northwest of the field reaches just above 13,000 feet. Southeast of the airport, the safe altitude climbs to nearly 16,000 feet within just a few miles. Usable runway is 8,006 feet. So no big deal, right?
A close look at the Aspen Six departure is next to see if the Hawker’s takeoff performance can best any published restrictions. Plenty of runway, of course, and a check of the performance section of the aircraft flight manual (AFM) confirms that the Hawker can safely clear the runway—with one small glitch. The aircraft can’t do it at maximum takeoff weight. In a jet, the term usable runway length really needs a note that says “usable sometimes.” (more…)
When Pilots Make Mistakes
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In Episode #355 of Aviation News Talk, Max Trescott and I discussed pilot decision-making behind the wrong runway landing of an American Eagle Embraer 170 at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport (ORD) in late September. A few extenuating circumstances mean the NTSB should also consider ATC’s role in that incident. I also added some historical context to Max’s Episode #353, which focused on how pilots troubleshoot system failures.
Sometimes, pilots make bad decisions.
Thanks, Rob Mark
The Boeing Strike Is Just Another Symptom
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The past decade has not been kind to Boeing.
737 MAX 8 Until 2018, America’s premier aircraft builder appeared extremely successful if money was the only assessment. Boeing also had a solid defense business with billions in military contracts in addition to its space venture. By the end of 2018, the company had more than 5,000 orders for the new 737 Max aircraft. At its peak, Boeing stock traded above $440 per share. With the revenue the company earned each month, Boeing’s Board of Directors could see only one direction: up and more. Melius Research analyst Rob Spingarn estimates the company spent $68 billion on stock buybacks and shareholder dividends to reward investors.
Then came October 29, 2018, when a Lion Air 737 Max 8 crashed into the Java Sea shortly after takeoff from Jakarta, Indonesia. All 181 passengers and seven crewmembers perished in the deadliest-ever crash of a 737. Early on, experts pointed to Boeing’s new flight control software, the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, or MCAS, as being responsible. MCAS forced the nose of the Boeing down during the climb. The two pilots were unable to recover. Around the world, pilots realized their Max training never mentioned MCAS. Just five months later, another Max 8 was lost within minutes of takeoff from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, claiming another 157 people. The initial investigation again pointed to MCAS.
The world was in shock, as apparently, was Boeing’s C-suite team. Boeing pointed the finger at the two airlines as being responsible. Following the second crash, global regulators quickly grounded the 737 Max. They didn’t fly again until December 2020. In January 2024, a door plug blew out of an Alaska Airlines 737 during departure from Portland, exposing passengers to the harsh reality of the outside atmosphere until the crew successfully landed the stricken aircraft. No one was injured during the debacle. The cause was an earlier faulty door plug reinstallation.
Since March 2019, Boeing has ousted two CEOs, Dennis Muilenburg and Dave Calhoun, as the company’s quality control system took one hit after another, including on the 787. Boeing’s current CEO, Kelly Ortberg, a mechanical engineer by education, assumed the helm in August 2024 following three decades at Rockwell Collins, where he eventually served as CEO. With Boeing the target of accusations and lawsuits, as well as increased oversight by the FAA and the company’s reputation in tatters, Ortberg had his work cut out for him. Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft returned from the International Space Station (ISS) uncrewed after an onboard systems failure. The spacecraft was deemed too risky to allow the crew to pilot it back to Earth. That crew remains stranded on the ISS to this day. In June of this year, several US Senators told CEO Dave Calhoun Boeing should face criminal prosecution for its behavior in the marketplace. In July 2024, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government for misleading regulators who approved pilot-training standards for the Max.
Then, in mid-September, 33,000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Local 751 called a strike against Boeing in Seattle that halted aircraft production, except in
the non-union factory in South Carolina. The union last negotiated a successful contract a decade ago. Analysts warned the strike could be lengthy, with demands for a 40 percent pay increase over four years and a new defined benefit pension plan on the table. There was also the union’s long memory of Boeing’s 2013 decision to move 777x production to South Carolina to avoid union entanglements. A month into the strike, with the union rebuffing both of Boeing’s initial offers, the company announced layoffs for approximately 17,000 other employees to preserve cash.
Boeing has become a global embarrassment, most of all with the company’s 170,000 employees. Boeing shares are today trading at $150 per share as the company tries to raise $10-15 billion in fresh capital to see it through the first half of 2025. (more…)