One Air Traffic Controller’s Perspective on Morale
Fresh on the heels of Sunday’s post about the flavor of labor relations that led PATCO controllers to call a strike against the FAA in 1981, I added a question I asked acting FAA administrator Bobby Sturgell about employee morale during the “Ask the Administrator” session at AirVenture last week.
Now comes a letter from a Jetwhine reader who is right in the thick of things, in this case at the Albany Airport tower (ALB) in upstate New York.
My question to Bobby Sturgell focused primarily on whether he realized the damage that bad morale was inflicting on the national airspace system itself, as well as the thousands of people who work for the agency.
I came away that afternoon, as did many others in the room, believing that the answer was either that Sturgell didn’t realize the price the current state of employee morale was taking at FAA, or that he didn’t care.
Yesterday, this letter arrived from NATCA member Tony Yushinsky and it really needs little explanation. It goes straight to the heart of the morale question I posed at AirVenture. But Tony’s letter below also looks at something that many of us have suspected, but few have mentioned out loud, the agency’s attempt to play pilots and controllers off against one another.
But perhaps Tony is in the minority on his thoughts below.
“I have been an air traffic controller for almost 20 years. I worked at Syracuse (SYR), Tucson Tower (TUS), Tucson Approach (U90), SoCal TRACON (SCT) and am currently working at Albany (ALB). I have also been a union activist for 18 years (since my first certification). As with all of my colleagues, I pride myself in being the best air traffic controller I possibly can. I also pride myself in giving the best service possible, sometimes to my own detriment. I NEVER deny service, always offer VFR flight following, always effect hand offs to the next sector and have never taken punitive action against a pilot or even raised my voice on the frequency. I have had terse discussions, but only when I feel as if the situation warranted and out of concern for the safety of the flight crew.
“The failures of the FAA over the course of my career and before have been well documented. Unfortunately, this administration has taken things to the next and hopefully lowest level. I hope and pray that we are at the bottom of the well looking up and someone will raise us up before we all drown. That may sound extreme, but I sincerely believe we are headed in the wrong direction at a rapid rate with no end in sight. Controllers like myself are seeing this gloom and doom every single day we strap on a headset and it is having a profound effect. The mantra of the air traffic controller has always been, “I love my job but I hate my employer!” Today, the FAA has sucked the love of the job out of nearly everyone!
“The FAA has made it clear that they want the senior controllers gone and they want it done yesterday. The contract dispute was not about money, it was about control. It was strictly intended to drive the hard-core activists and the anti-FAA crowd from the job in an effort to build a workforce of “yes-men”. What the FAA will never realize is that it takes a special kind of person to do this job. The qualities include that type-A personality, the same personality of control that questions authority, cherishes the control and will not be deterred or told what to do by a heavy-handed boss. They fired 11,800 air traffic controllers 27 years ago to the day (The strike was 8/3. The firings were two days later). The issue was control. The issue was rebuilding a workforce that they could control. Five years later, a new union was being formed and the FAA had not fixed the problems they created!
Ok, on to another issue … pilot deviations. The FAA has made it clear that we are all under the microscope. They have fired controllers for not checking a box on a medical form. They have fired controllers for covering up errors when controllers didn’t even realize they had lost separation. They have fired controllers for posting information on the union bulletin board that put the FAA in a bad light.
“It is clear to us that we are not welcome in their future plans. If you find this hard to believe, consider this: SoCal TRACON is working with 50% of the journeymen controllers than when I left in 2004. The numbers are similar around the nation. Burlington, VT is working with 10 journeymen training 11 new hires! Certainly this shows that no sacrifice is too great for this Agency to continue to implement their plan of control.
“Having said that, I have not been instructed to file pilot deviations at Albany nor have I been told I would be disciplined if I do not. I know some airports, like KMCI (Kansas City) is definitely run by some of the more militant FAA Managers, so it does not surprise me that this is happening there. One of my friends from SCT went to work at MCI and quit the FAA a short while later. I also would not be surprised if this tactic doesn’t spread like wildfire throughout the NAS.
The FAA has already done their best to pit controller against controller, to divide the controller workforce. It is not a stretch to think that the next logical step is to drive a wedge between the controllers and pilots. Always remember we work for a heavy-handed Agency. We hold your safety as our sacred trust. We are as protective of your ticket/careers as you are of ours or as we are of your lives.
“Your safety is our sacred trust. Today, more than ever we need to work together to protect the integrity of the NAS as the forces beyond our control intentionally erode that trust. I have always believed that if they were unaware of the consequences of your actions, I can forgive them for “they know not what they do”. Once they have been made aware, or it becomes apparent they always were aware, their actions are intentional, malicious and perhaps criminal.
Most Sincerely,
Anthony E. Yushinsky, Air Traffic Controller
President, NATCA ALB Local
Rob, Tony is not in the minority. As you know, I communicate with many ATCs on a daily basis, and I can attest that Tony speaks for many of them. Also, in the interests of full disclosure, Tony is a friend of mine, not to mention a hero for speaking up. But mainly what I want to say, is to you. Your site is self-admittedly sponsored in part by an aircraft company; you’re a self-proclaimed friend of Bobby Sturgell according to prior posts; and some of your coverage on other days appears to run in favor of aeromercantile and/or government interests. However, unlike Mary Peters’ preposterous USDOT blog, and unlike many of the other pro-aviation storefront-websites, you are unafraid to print the contrary view, and you are unafraid to tackle the tough issue. Moreover, you have always been a gentleman in every communication with me since last Fall. We do not have to agree with each other on every item, and I know we don’t, but after your today post I feel compelled to tell you – even when we are adversarial with respect to each other on an item, I still respect you. What is ironic is that after one year pounding FAA management (and it is only going to get worse, from here on in), I respect none of them, and I respect none of their patsy-friends at USA Today that we just slammed in the blogosphere over the past two days.
My best to you Rob, and thank you for your coverage on this important issue affecting ATCs – they always deserve the truth, and Tony speaks it – thanks for printing it.
John J. Tormey III, Esq.
Quiet Rockland
Anthony-Interesting post. Is it your opinion that controllers have a choice about whether or not to report pilot deviations?
Look what I’ve gone and done John.
Now you think I’m a friend of Bobby Sturgell’s. You might want to ask him. My guess is he would give you a very different answer. My comment, in fact, were meant “tongue in check.”
But you are correct that there is an aero-mercantile slant to some posts at times … as in liking some airlines and disliking the operating style of others, and even to a few of the trade organizations. NATCA questions which side I’m on occasionally as well.
But like you, I try to call them as I see them.
Perhaps that makes me more of an independent than a Republican or a Democrat, but seldom do I see anyone with a perspective that always allows me to vote their way.
I did read your Mary Peters blog – (sorry, you must cut and paste) –
and it is pretty clear the USA Today thinks anyone who gets in the way of the redesign is a serious roadblock.
Like you, I don’t see the USA Today story as an endorsement the way Mary Peters does, but about now, a few months before these top folks need to polish up their resumes, they’re probably convinced they saw the Loch Ness monster on their last trip to Scotland too.
I’m an Independent too – really – and I am very happy to know that your Sturgell “friend” reference was just jocular. You had me.
@ FAAGuy.
Obviously you have never been in a operational capacity.
It is about average to see 3 or 4 minor pilot deviations a day just myself at my top 50 busiest tracon.
Busted altitudes, dyslexia headings, and most common… mangled taxi routes from the new and dangerous detailed taxi instructions.
There are two levels of filters to see if these things get turned in.
One, did the controller think it was serious. If he does he calls the supervisor.
Two. The supervisor has the pilot call on a non recorded line. He sees if the pilot is sincerely sorry and genuinely shaken. Then he decides if the pilot is warned or written up.
This is how it always has and always will be done in the terminal environment.
I’ll reply for Tony in my 21 years the FAA always played no harm no file! In other words if no separation was lost you might discuss the situation with the pilot but nothing else.
Mr FAAGuy,
In the past, it was unwritten rule of “no harm, no foul” with regards to pilot deviations observed by ATCer’s. The pilot (or flight crew) knew he/she screwed up and learned a mighty lesson which the controller was able to accept.
While not being “technically” right, it helped foster and maintain the mutual respect and trust between the pilot and the controller.
Nowadays, in this “heavy-handed” era of CYA, that trust and respect has some cracks in it and I ask you, which is better for safety of flight (let’s set aside efficiency and capacity, which the FAA seems to put more stock in right now)? A relationship where both sides of the mic “watch each other’s back” or a relationship which becomes wary of each other?
Dear FAA guy,
I would respond to your question, however it would violate my long standing policy of not responding to people who opt to hide behind an anonymous moniker. You come out behind your handle, and I will gladly respond. Until then, have a nice day.
Here at PBI we have had at least one controller disciplined for not reported a pilot deviation, and about a year ago almost had another one,for a pilot landing on a taxiway. They did a full blown investigation going after the controller until they found out the controller had told a supervisor, and it was the supervisor who didn’t send it up the line. Funny thing though nothing happened to the supervisor.
I’m not going to touch the technical point, but I’m with Tony on the disclosure point. I’m truly fed-up with anonymous blogging. I’ve put my real, full, legal name to every post I have made, since last year. So does Tony. Unless it is a case of an anonymous tipster furnishing information to law enforcement (and I have had a few of those lately), then stand by your words, and identify yourself. It is well-known that FAA has enlisted a bunch of spelling-challenged, grammar-challenged, awful writers to blog while pretending to be citizens, over the past few months. I know. I brought their e-mail addresses and text to the FBI once I saw that happening, after they ticked me off. It was right around the time of the cracked Southwest planes. Given that we all have an interest in distinguishing ourselves from those FAA management low-lifes and their self-loathing lackeys, then why not use real names? Is anyone really afraid of the FAA anymore? They are just a shell publicity firm. Are you afraid of Lizzie Grubman too? Baghdad Bob?
For quite some time, I was considering a career in ATC. I toured multiple facilities including Tucson TRACON and Philadelphia Tower. I spent hours talking to Air Traffic Controllers in their facilities and in the air. After reading stories like these and seeing news stories about ATC morale, I have begun to look the other way and pursue a business career. The thing is, 85% of all Air Traffic Controllers *are expected* to retire in 10 years. Does bad morale make prospective / future / wannabe Air Traffic Controllers turn away? At some point the FAA needs to make changes.
Johnathan –
As someone who is actively seeking a career in ATC, I can tell you what I read everyday is a grim, grim story, and it doesn’t look like this is going to be a happy ending. I care very much about what happens to the controllers, and have several friends at ZAU, and overall as trainees they like what they’re doing, but are having a heck of a time making ends meet.
I know there are many controllers that say I shouldn’t bother, that it’s not worth the hassle, and it only reaffirms that the FAA’s strategy is working. I’m 28, and don’t have a whole lot of time to wait. It’s now or never so to speak.
The longer this goes on, the more concerned I become and start to second guess my career choice a little bit, and here I am, still waiting. Regardless of what the FA is doing at present, the fact remains that a job needs to be done, and I still want to do it. Granted, there’s a good chance that if / when I get hired, my exectations and will to persevere through all the crap could indeed make me leave, but that would be a last resort. I am lucky enough to have a wife and family that support my goals, and are willing to put up with the BS that comes along with the job.
All I can really do at this point is to keep writing my Senators and Congressmen and tell them how I feel, and encourage my friends to do the same.
I have worked as an air traffic controller for nearly 20 years. I can tell you, regardless of the dark period we are in, the job is still every bit as exciting as the first day I strapped on my headset.
As the old saying goes, this too shall pass. Only you know whether you want to take the plunge and join our ranks. I still believe it is the best job in the world and I work with some of the best people you would ever want to meet. There has never been a day where I woke up dreading going to work.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the FAA, NATCA or the career. I will do my best to answer quickly and honestly.
Tony Yushinsky
[email protected]
PS: ATCGuy – you can only speak for me if you come out from behind the handle. ;-)
I found this to be a very interesting read indeed!
” The pilot (or flight crew) knew he/she screwed up and learned a mighty lesson which the controller was able to accept.
While not being “technically” right, it helped foster and maintain the mutual respect and trust between the pilot and the controller.”
I agree and back up that comment 100%. I am a commercial pilot and I spend around 5-6 hours a day in the air around Baltimore and the DC area. Often enough I have heard pilots over the frequency who busted a BRAVO or a DELTA or even worse, the Washington DC ADIZ. I have two freinds who also had similar violations and honestly, they didnt need the FAA for them to learn their lesson.
There is no doubt about it, there is a bond between the person behind the yoke and the person behind the screen, and when one has to start worrying about punishment from the other, that is tainted.
Yo! Tony!
I’m still trying to recover from the knife you stuck in MY back while in TUS.
You remember, the call you made to the “hot line” about me using prescription drugs? The one where you wouldn’t identify yourself? Guess what, they knew who you were!
Aren’t you the one who said “I’ll crush that hub manager like the cockroach he is”?
You are still a low life, and will always be one!
BTW, what ever happened when you ran for VP for the WP NATCA REP?
Here in TUS and U90 land, we still refer to you as “YaSxxxski! Know what they call you in SCT?
Ask them!
Have a GREAT DAY, you piece of SxxxSKI!
Cone of Silence…
Could it…is it…TRUE?
Come on Tony, say it isn’t true.
Tell us the REAL story.
Are you really a “back stabber”?
Did you really call the hot line about another employee?
Are you really a “low life” like they say?
Say it isn’t so!
Dearest ‘juan’-whatever-your-last-name-is,
Do tell. And just how IS your apparently-self-admitted battle with those prescription drugs going, now, ‘juan’, anyway? – as I am assuming that you are a now-retired and formerly-demoted FAA “supervisor” who had a bad brush with Prozac. Pity. As a consumer, I can tell you I’m really not “crazy” about the idea of FAA Supes on Prozac, because FAA management is borderline schizoid as it is. And, after reading your post, ‘juan’, I truly do wish you all the help you can possibly be afforded, Chief. I’ve got plenty of friends from college who are mental health professionals, and I will be happy to make an onward referral to help you, because that’s what you need – provided, of course, that you first have the courage to identify YOURSELF by your full legal name and phone me at 1-212-410-4142. Let’s talk, “juan” – and let’s start with your past relationship with your father. Maybe the problem you apparently had with Tony, is simply a product of the counseling that you never had prior, and that Christmas present you’re still looking for under that tree. Sincerely.
From the perspective of someone who was around pre and post strike, I hope you guys that are nudging Tony – in fact everyone – realizes that many of the PATCO people look at almost anyone working today as a picket breaker, someone who took their jobs.
Difference is that the PATCO people seem to have moved on with life.
Apparently not all of the current workforce has learned to get long together to stand for a common cause.
That’s a shame.
If it makes all of you people feel better to hide from whatever boogey-man you seem to be hiding from, posting anonymous comments to try and get to me, well that’s your business. ZR – you all tried to get me and you failed. Must be tough living with that. Now all you have are the rantings of a worn out supervisor – sorry, staff specialist. Too sad. For the rest of you “say it ain’t so” people – the deal remains the same – you hide, you get nothing.
It is a shame Robert. The real shame is that these people are given a forum to take anonymous shots for something that has zero to do with the topic at hand.
And in that regard, who’s worse – Rush Limbaugh of Tucson, or his little similarly-cowardly-‘anonymous’ side-kick? Many find “me-too” enablers more grotesque than the junkies themselves. Here in New York, we just send ’em both up, and let ’em fight amongst themselves for top bunk in the cell. Meet Bobby Sturgell’s finest bloggers. Thanks for the license plates, guys.
Happens all the time, some FAA supervisor want-to-be jumps into a worthwhile exchange of information and makes a complete ass of himself. Let’s quickly look at the two people involved. On one hand we have a person, that would be this Juan person, who apparently couldn’t keep his job as a FAA supervisor, for reasons I’m sure he would not be willing to provide. (Not making it as a FAA supervisor is like failing at flipping hamburgers at McDonalds!) A person who uses one name, I suppose in an attempt to be more like Elvis or Cher or Prince. A person who blames everyone else for his failures, and, get this, a person who thinks that if you choose to become a candidate for the top Union position in your Region and are not successful that you are then a loser. Genius I tell you, pure genius.
On the other hand, Tony Yushinsky, notice he has a first and last name, has just a few more credentials. Tony has held numerous Union positions both elected and appointed including his current position as Facility Representative at Albany Tower. He has worked on several National issues and committees including but not limited to NATCA in Washington where he has become one of the most respected participants and he is also currently working with the NATCA National Executive Board developing an on-line training program. Tony’s accompishments on behalf of his Union and his profession have been acknowledged by the highest ranking NATCA officers as well as members of the U.S. Congress. Tony is also a recent graduate of the National Labor College where he was selected by his classmates to make their commencement speech. By the way, Tony has been able to accomplish the above and more while working as an Air Traffic Controller at Albany Tower.
Well, there you have it. It was a close race but I’m thinking Tony Yushinsky might be a bit more credible than Juan (fill in the blank). Just one man’s opinion.
Bob Butterworth, that’s outstanding. “A person who uses one name, I suppose in an attempt to be more like Elvis or Cher or Prince”. LOVE it! Gilbert Gottfried’s comedy routine on the one-named celebrities couldn’t TOUCH you, man! Thanks for doing the right thing – and with both of your names in the process, no less. Speaking of celebrities, I though ‘juan’ was the name of the character in Rodney Dangerfield’s “Easy Money” who soulfully stared at Rodney in the hospital bed at the end of the flick and said, “Can I call you ‘Dad’, now?”.
Given the recent trend to threaten anyone that dares to speak the truth with litigation, one would be foolish to actually identify her/him self with allegations of misbehavior/abuse. The ambulance chasers are all over us, looking for a quick buck.
If you want a free exchange of opinions, you accept the honest input from ALL entries.
If you want an accurate view of opinions, you don’t filter out those that wish to remain anonymous, you embrace their input as you value that of those that identify themselves.
To consider the input of a select group of input is self-serving and bias.
EVERYONES opinion must be considered before a conclusion can be made.
The opinion counts not, unless you have the courage to stand behind it. Laptop e-mails from caves is the province of Al Qaeda. THAT’s your “recent trend” – cowardice masked by cyberspace.
I really have to jump in here because honestly I think I see Anymousetoo’s” side of this. I am interested in what people like this have to say.
When I started Jetwhine I had a hard and fast rule about anonymity. I would have none of it.
Of course now, I realize that I run the place that cuts my paychecks, as do you John T.
And let’s be serious, you also like getting people stirred up … not that I don’t like a good conversation myself. But cowards is pretty heavy handed.
There are quite a few folks with FAA who read this blog, and The Main Bang, and FAA Follies and a few of the others just waiting to grab some poor employee who makes a statement that doesn’t seem to come from a NATCA domain.
I worked for FAA and I can tell you they are nasty, junk yard dogs when they want to be.
I think if I’m OK with no name at times, you need to cut these folks a little slack.
It’s your blog. But no, no slack. Perhaps litigators should start filing papers in court with “John Doe” as the sole named plaintiff. When the judge looks plaintiff’s counsel in the eye and says “Counselor?…”, counsel perhaps should respond “But your Honor, if you want a free exchange of opinions, you must accept the honest input from ALL entries – even the anonymous ones”. In my world, we call that cowardice, and contempt. Call it whatever you like, in yours. The core of the complaint is the persona of the complainer. Otherwise, they are just persona non grata.
Thank you Mr. Mark,
There is a wealth of information out there just waiting to be heard.
That is the nice thing about running the blog I guess. But our goals are probably somewhat different John.
I’m after the conversation. I honestly think I have enough expertise in the industry to know when someone is pulling my leg.
The FAA management folks who read this blog have little interest in spreading any word about anything from what I can tell although they have certainly been invited.
That makes me less concerned about anonymity I guess.
And who knows what little tidbits folks like “anymousetoo” might toss our way.
I can’t fill out a subpoena without a real name and address.
… and I’ll leave you with this question for now, Rob. Was that last post someone “pulling your leg”, or not? (Have a good weekend, and thanks for the forum). John.
You might be right John. They might have been tugging away at me. But i think … where’s the harm.
But again, you need very specific information for very specific reasons. If I were in your job, I’d probably be doing the same thing.
I was wondering the other day how I would have handled being an FAA operations inspector for instance. I doubt I’d be writing this today.
You all have a good weekend and thanks for the conversation. Watch out for those random drug tests!
I’ve never heard a bad thing about you in my 7+ years here at TUS, other than you were a hard-ass. But who wants a wuss for a FACREP? “Juan”, on the other hand, well….
Everyone have a great NATCA day!
My post is a little off topic but here it goes.
I was in attendance for “Ask the Administrator” session at AirVenture two weeks ago. Robert- I remember you asking that question about the current situation to Bobby and was very happy you did ask. I did not like his answer to your question, as well as most other questions that were asked.
It seemed to me as though he thought air traffic controllers are paid too much and went on about work conditions and blah (but then corrected himself saying he wants atc’ers to be paid fairly). His way out of answering tough questions during the session appeared to be by him saying-the answer will be on the EAA website “next week”.
Hopefully the situation will improve and I believe it will, but precious time will take its toll.
Is this an admission of guilt, or what?
“You all tried to get me and you failed.”
Funny how Tony won’t respond to anonymous posts, but sees nothing wrong with posting them himself!
Rather than trying to kill the messenger, focus on the allegations.
Are they true?
Ball’s in your court, Tony.
What’s up with you guys?
No contributions to BEB’s defense over at the FAA Follies site?
Come on “ESQ”, what about you ****ski, don’t defend free speech?
Oh, I forgot, Free speech is only available to those that reveal their true identity.
Okay, you can use your “real” name when you contribute!
Pony up, or shut up!
If you can’t man up and attack someone face-to-face, you’re a pansy, so stop attacking people from behind anonymous names. Everybody else why get fired up about it, ever notice there are always people who try to turn an intelligent online conversation into an argument? The ones who do this tend to be the anonymous one, which means that they can’t even stand behind their own attacks. The fact that they can’t stand behind their own argument should in and of itself be enough to defeat their argument, as they hold no credibility.
This lack of credibility means we should not even validate their statements by arguing with them, as this is what they are looking for since they shouldn’t hold the right to make claims which aren’t backed up with evidence or solid reasoning. I apologize for posting this anonymously, but that is my right, as given by the blog owner.
I can understand why someone may post anonymously (it would be difficult to fire someone for an anonymous post, even if they said things that may lead someone to want to fire them, a subpoena could not be served to them without getting a warrant and all that stuff to find out who they are, and finally someone like myself who serves in public office, or do I, may not want to be associated with statements made as sometimes they offend people unintentionally).
I believe any anonymous statements made online without proof (or the reasoning behind them) should simply be ignored ad never argued with or responded to in a negative way, because if enough pointless/negative ones are ignored and are not responded to the poster, if they hold enough intelligence, should realize there is no point making these posts, as they are not evoking the negative reaction in their targeted audience (these people choose to target/annoy people whom they are jealous of because they are jealous and are incapable of making themselves happy in their own lives so must try to bring others down, choose to not be their victim, and choose instead to feel sorry for them)
Thank you for your insightful dialog concerning anonymous postings “anon”
ANON is really Tony.
Showing you how he REALLY operates.
Use your REAL name to gather accolades, use ANON to attack!
Scabs gave up the right to bitch 8/3/81. Shut up.