Thoughts on United Airlines Latest PR Mess
Thoughts on United Airlines Latest PR Mess
Seems that United Airlines, our home town airline here in Chicago, has managed again to create another PR mess for itself. When I was still teaching media and communications at NU, I could only hope for situations like this to relate to my grad students about how companies should not treat customers. And yet, here it is once more.
What is this magnetism United seems to have for being able to take an already ugly customer service mess and turn it into chaos? Sure an airline has the right to bump people, but it was the methods United used to bump passengers that got them in hot water the other day, not just their policies.
I was invited on Tuesday to chat with our local NPR host Tony Sarabia about this mess, so give it a listen and tell me what United should have done, because after all, this is just my two cents.
Click here for WBEZ’s Morning Shift for Tuesday April 11,2017.
Rob Mark, Publisher
@wbez, @unitedairlines, @jetwhine