United Airlines: Time to Stop Just Talking About Customers
Over the last 20 years, we all listened to one United CEO after another talk about how much they value their customers.
Enough talk.
United’s new CEO Oscar Munoz needs to stop the talking and start showing customers if the carrier ever really wants to again be great. Give a listen and tell me what you think.
Rob Mark, publisher
Wife and I flew United to Hawaii from Texas in May.
Good pilots and equipment, flight attendants and gate people basically indifferent.
Used carry on, did not trust checking bags.
I had my fill of indifferent FAs and counter staff three years ago.
True, that was on RJs, but they’re still badged as United aircraft.
United: What is it about those guys?
I share the exact same opinion. I have a client who has a zillion miles on them and says that on the ground United sucks and in the air they are terrific. Opposite for American in his opinion.
All I know is I don’t take United, if that means connecting somewhere. I just don’t need the drama of all the ways they screw up flights.
Southwest: Don’t get me started on how much I love those people!
These days I fly once a week and with rare exception it’s all on Southwest. Have a companion pass, the whole deal. How much do I love these guys? Every single flight I go to Nuts on Clark, or the WH Smith, and buy 4-6 packages of gourmet snacks. The kind of snacks you or I would never buy for ourselves because they are so expensive; this typically costs $26-31 per flight.
I hand the bag to the #1 flight attendant as I board, saying something like “you give us snacks all the time so it’s time one of us gave you snacks,” or “congrats this is a Crew Appreciation flight,” or “this is just in case your day runs long.” After the initial shock, the profuse, almost embarrassing thank-yous flow. I mean, you’d think I just bought their kids each a semester of college. Why? Because apparently no one ever takes the moment to thank these people for being gracious, even when they’ve only had 5 hours of sleep or have endured cranky customers.
Coming back from LGA two nights ago on Southwest, the Captain came on the PA to thank the customer who brought them snacks.
Rob, try it sometime! Maybe you and I can start something. But…don’t bother on UAL – I have and they just look really uncomfortable. Wow, huh!
Delta: Watch these guys, are they ever getting things right! Gorgeous DTW and MSP terminals. Really nice Sky Clubs.
I left my iPad on a flight to Paris, when reboarding for the States 10 days later at DeGaulle they handed me my ipad on the jetway!
Few days ago I flew LAX-JFK, paid up for Delta One. Special street entrance at LAX, guard outside asks your name and they have a curbside lounge and personally escort you to a special TSA line.
The Sky Club specs out better than something in Europe. Sleeper seat…I didn’t want to get off the plane. Richard Anderson rocks. I have 1.5 million miles on American, just had to leave them over ORD delays and dirty planes and beaten up employees.
I cheerfully find a way to take Delta when Southwest doesn’t work.