Is Fresh Evidence About MH370 Another Wild Goose Chase?
Fresh evidence has been uncovered in the disappearance of Malaysian flight 370 (MH370) according to The Telegraph of London. To date, there hasn’t been one single shred of physical evidence that proves any of the dozen or so theories about what happened aboard that airplane less than an hour after it departed Kuala Lampur in March. The mystery was never solved, just put on hold.
Then last Friday, a media note surfaced in Australia that said MH370 searchers were again altering the search area for the airplane to another part of the South Indian Ocean based on some undefined new analysis. Yesterday’s Telegraph story again pointed the possible finger of responsibility at the captain of the 777, Zaharie Shah and his flight simulator.
Listen to the latest Aviation Minute to learn more about new evidence in the MH 370 mystery.
Rob Mark, Publisher
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Sage words, Rob. The Captain deleted files of flight sim a landing attempts on the small Indian Ocean island? Whoa! I so hope we can find the plane and those people – even if dead. The families need the closure.
Wonder why no one has commented on the fact that the first course MH370 took when it deviated from filed track was due west, as in Gone West. That may have been a message in itself that the pilot in control at the time was soon going to die, possibly as a suicide.