The Aviation Minute: Episode 7 – Synthetic Air Traffic Advisories


TAM Final LogoRGBPardon our tardiness delivering this week’s episode, but we wanted to wait for our new logo to show up. Many thanks to @runwaygirl’s sister Anne Kirby and The Sweet Core crew for launching us into the 21st Century.

On to the content. This week I’m focused on innovation and the people who create it, like my friend Dr. Dave Byers. A few years back, he figured out how an off-the-shelf radar system might just prevent midair collisions and runway incursions at non-towered airports. He called it the Synthetic Air Traffic Advisory System, or SATAS.

dave byers
Dr. Dave Byers

After you give the show a quick listen, stop back and watch the short video of the SATAS demonstration from Sun n’ Fun a few weeks ago.

Rob Mark, Publisher

For those of you who receive Jetwhine updates via e-mail, click here to listen to this week’s show.

5 Responses

  1. First, it wasn’t a minute. It was 3 minutes 25 seconds.

    Second, the jet in your logo doesn’t have its main gear down, GO AROUND!!!

    All kidding aside, nice job to Anne Kirby and The Sweet Core. It’s a smart looking logo, which may make up for the lack of smarts in the show’s host! Again, just kidding, Rob. You’re a smart man.

    Enjoyed learning about SATAS. Keep up the great work.

  2. When I try to view your AVIATION MINUTE video, the link rarely works. Today is no exception. I used Internet Exploroer and GOOGLED Aviation Minute episode 7 which came up but it took me to man who was apologizing for his website not being complete and he said that he could be hired as a professional speaker. Nothing about Aviation Minute episode 7. ??? Please advise.

  3. First to Michael — My apologies to you and the other loyal readers/listeners who receive their Jetwhine updates via e-mail. I forgot to add the hyperlink in the story, but I just fixed that right now.

    These kinds of details are the things that slip past when you get old guys … sorry.

    Now on to Capt. Jeff … who said the guy was landing? He’s already on the go. Thanks for your comments though …

  4. Would appreciate a direct link in the email to the audio file. I see no need to load a web page that duplicates the email before listening to the episode (except to drive page views, of course). Thanks.
