The Aviation Minute: Episode 2 – Regional Airline Safety
Thanks to all of you for the great comments about The Aviation Minute‘s first episode. You’ll find episode 2 below, which actually evolved from comments related to the first show about the regional airline pilot shortage.
Show Updates: If you look in the right-hand column here on the Jetwhine home page, you’ll see that we’ve added an easy way for you to subscribe to just The Aviation Minute episodes if you choose. We’re still waiting for the Apple people to work their magic on our iTunes feed which should be up and running by episode 3. In the next week, we’ll also have our show archive operational for a quick episode re-listen.
Future Show Ideas: Thanks to the new listeners who took the time to share topic ideas that need some serious media attention. We can never have too many, so if there’s an industry on your mind … be it air traffic control, business aviation, safety, learning to fly or anything else, tell me about them at [email protected].
Finally, a show like this really depends upon listeners like you to tell their friends. If you like The Aviation Minute, send your friends back here to and ask them to click on The Aviation Minute icon or just fill in their e-mail address.
Thanks for listening. Rob Mark, Publisher
Episode 2 is dead on! It’s like the last comment in a pre-mission briefing to a Navy or Air Force squadron: “Remember gentlemen, your aircraft was built by the lowest bidder.”