The Aviation Minute: Episode 3 – The TSA & Guns


TSAI know the TSA costs us billions every year, but for once, I think people need to appreciate them for the good things those folks do … especially in light of the possibilities that hijackers may have taken out Malaysian 370 last week.

Rob Mark, Publisher

5 Responses

  1. Take me off your list. Your comments about the second amendment guns and the shoot out at the ok corral at fl390 makes me sick. This is total BS

  2. Robert, I like your weekly blogs plus your co-hosting the Airplane Geeks Podcasr. I have one comment/question re:TSA Aviation Minute episode. You quote the TSA has having cost US Taxpayers $80 Million. Should that be “billion”? $80 Million seems awfully inexpensive for more than a decade of existence.

  3. David — you are so right. I should have said billion, not million. Thanks for keeping me honest. Of course that makes it much more expensive doesn’t it?

  4. Larrie — of course we’ll remove you from our list, but I don’t remember mentioning the 2nd Amendment.
    Maybe I missed that.

  5. Robert,

    I enjoy your AVIATION MINUTE… You don’t always have to be RIGHT to get us pilots to THINKING. Your voice has been needed for the pass 50 years that I have been flying. It’s great to have you on board… :)
