Today is Labor Day


Labor Day

Having been deeply involved with two major unions in my life … the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association (PATCO) and finally for a short while, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), my father and grandfather both would surely turn over in their graves if I let Labor Day pass without sharing my two cents about what it means to me.

Of course I do realize that support for labor these days means I’ve indeed become a dinosaur. I’m thinking I kind of like that T-Rex guy though …

For those of you with an interest in the old days and a look at how we arrived where we are today, especially in the airline industry, allow me to point you to the radio segment I produced last year for the Geeks. It’s as relevant today as a year ago. Airplane Geeks Episode 212.5 — Labor Day.

Or if you prefer to read, here’s a link to a quick to some thoughts about why Labor Day should still be important to us here in the states.

Rob Mark
