Airplane Geeks Coming to Udvar-Hazy
Just about the time you thought you’d have a Saturday free to kick back and goof off comes word that The Airplane Geeks will again be a part of the Air & Space Museum’s Become a Pilot Day on June 15th. Now of course if you live outside the Washington DC area, you might not care — although that would be hard for any of us to believe.

But if you do live around the DC area and find yourself with a little free time on Saturday June 15th, come on out to the Boeing Hangar at the Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport … oh, maybe about 11 am or so.
It’s your chance to comer out, say hi, meet some geeks — me of course, David, Max and even AOPA’s Benet Wilson. Maybe take part in the show if you have something to say. We’d love to meet and chat with you.
Of course we’ll have plenty of Jetwhine and Airplane Geeks buttons to give away which will probably make the trip worthwhile alone … well, at least to me.
We’re not sure precisely where we’ll be set up at Udvar-Hazy Center just yet, but someone will be able to point us out. Inside the Boeing Hangar, we’ll probably be the bunch that security has to keep asking to “keep the noise down.”
So put it in your calendar for June 15 between 11am & 2pm at the Udvar Hazy Center and the Dulles edition of the Air & Space Museum.
We’ll be looking for you.
Rob Mark, Publisher