TSA Large Aircraft Comment Period Begins
By now, most aviators are aware of the TSA’s new focus on general aviation security now that they have slapped the airlines around enough over the past five or six years that is. I’ve always thought anything that is detrimental to any sector of the aviation industry, is bad for all of us in the end. That seems to have been proven out and apparently our turn is here. NPRM TSA – 2008 – 0021 is about to set the standard for how the government interacts with us as cockpit crewmembers, aviation department managers and passengers. And trust me, it’s not pretty.
Earl Lawrence, EAA’s vice president of industry and regulatory affairs wasted no time adding the association’s comments at the TSA web site calling for an extension to the comment period through March 31, 2009. Lawrence, on behalf of EAA said, “a major shift in the role of the Federal Government regarding the freedom of movement for private U.S. citizens. It would, for the first time, require governmental review and authority before a person could operate their own personal transportation conveyance. This significant intrusion into the lives of ordinary citizens and vast expansion of governmental authority must not be entered into lightly,” adding too that, “The rule appears to set significant precedents for the role government plays in the privacy of private citizens.”
Looking back on it now, I doubt the Air Transport Association ever thought airline security would evolve into the mess it eventually became for themselves and their customers, that TSA we’ve all come to know and love. If you want to be sure that general aviation doesn’t go the way of the airlines, take a few minutes to add your two cents. Here’s the link to the NPRM comment document. And in case you think your voice doesn’t count, take a look at yesterday’s election for a reminder.
Unlike the user fee debate, the next few weeks may be your only opportunity to voice dissent to the Department of Homeland Security. Remember when TFRs were an occasional happening? Too many of us have come to accept that airliners are safe when the President and Veep are around, but that all general aviation traffic must come to a grinding halt. Lawrence and EAA have spoken up very clearly. The end of this play has not yet be written. When it is, be sure your comments are part of the debate.
Don’t let this rule be plastered on aircraft over 12,500 lbs because trust me, aircraft under 12,500 lbs will be next. Click the link and send DHS your comments.
If the Feds tried to regulate gun owners the way they seem to be regulating pilots, there’d be a mob with torches somewhere.
Is there a place to see an executive summary? I couldn’t get the document to open on the TSA site.
Don’t worry. They’re from the government. They going to help you.
Can anyone give me a boiled down version of what is being proposed by the TSA for aircraft 12,500 lbs. plus. I have attempted to sort through the NPRM and have heard that the sky is falling…just the facts.